Doesn’t Do Much

You’re a slacker. You’ve had a number of jobs in your life, but nothing’s really stuck. No one thing consumes you, compels you, or drives you. You float from event to event. That doesn’t me ...

Embraces Qephilim Ancestry

You are a qephilim, which means your ancestors were servitors of the Incarnations. During the Age of Myth, qephilim were semidivine in their own right, and builders of the first civilizations in Ar ...

Employs Magnetism

Electromagnetism is a fundamental force in the universe, and it is yours to command. You are a master of metal.

You probably wear a lot of metal, perhaps as part of your clothing or armor, a ...


You are an entertainer: a singer, dancer, poet, storyteller, or something similar. You perform for the benefit of others. Naturally charismatic and talented, you have also studied to master your ar ...

Exists in Two Places at Once

One day, you looked into a mirror or another reflective surface and noticed that the reflection didn’t quite match your movements. After some time, the image stepped free from the surface and whe ...

Exists Partially Out of Phase

You have the ability to change your phase state. In fact, you’re always slightly out of phase, giving you a ghostly translucence. With concentration, you can pass your hand through a solid object ...

Explores Dark Places

You explore the foreboding ruins and mysterious locales of the ancient eras, trained in such activities by those who have gone before you. You’re the archetypical treasure hunter, scavenger, and ...

Explores Deep Waters

You have nothing to fear from the depths. You have always been a good swimmer, able to hold your breath longer than anyone else, tread water for as long as you wanted, and delve deeper into the swi ...

Fights Dirty

You know one thing for certain: the only important element of a fight is who wins. How? Why? These questions are inconsequential. Thus, you’ll do anything to win a fight. Some might say you have ...

Fights with Panache

You know that style is at least as important as substance. Defeating foes is secondary to looking good while doing it. Some might call you a swashbuckler or daredevil. You leap through the air, mak ...

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