
Page References
  • Numenera Corebook, Page 66
  • The Strange corebook, Page 65

Using charisma, natural leadership, and perhaps some training, you command the actions of others, who follow you willingly. You are a commander, a captain, a leader, or a general. Your skills allow you to make people do what you want, but you also have the wisdom to know what actions would be best for your followers and allies.

Since you need the respect of others, you probably dress and carry yourself in such a way that inspires, endears, or intimidates. You have a voice suited to barking orders that can be heard even on a noisy

Glaives make excellent military leaders, but a jack could easily lead a group of explorers or a den of thieves. A nano might be the head of a group of “mages” or scholars, or she might have a gang of bodyguards as followers.

Spinners make excellent military leaders, but a vector could easily lead a group of explorers or a team of soldiers. A paradox might be the head of a group of scholars or scientists, or might have a group of bodyguards as followers.