
Page References
  • Numenera Character Options, Page 32

The sea—how it calls to you. You can hear it in your blood and feel it in your heart, but your relationship with it is complicated. Perhaps you have run from its constant whisper in your ear, or perhaps you ache to return to it but cannot. Whether you love the sea or despise it, however, it’s clearly a part of you. Thanks to your connection with the Sea Kingdom of Ghan, you have an innate knowledge of the water’s comings and goings, even when you are far from it, and its rhythms color your patterns of speech and movements.

Even if you don’t mean it to, the sea shows up in your clothing choices. You often wear blues and silvers, perhaps with a splash of yellow that appears like sun reflecting off the water’s surface. You may have a hat that is designed to protect you from sun, waves, and wind.

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